Hydrogen production in the Arctic

Invitation to mini-seminar and reception
Hydrogen production in the Arctic
Save the date 26th October 2022 15:00-17:00
With reception from 17:00 to 19:00
Address: Hotel NH Grand Place Arenberg. Rue d`Assaut 15, 1000 Bruxelles
Troms and Finnmark County Council, Berlevåg Municipalities, Varanger N2Carrier, Norwegian Hydrogen, WÄRTSILÄ and SINTEF present:
How wind farms in remote areas can use hydrogen to secure power to local communities and participate in the global green transition.
Program and speakers
- Welcome by Wenche Pedersen,
Leader of East-Finnmark Regional Council and Mayor of Vadsø. - Troms & Finnmark County: The Hydrogen strategy in the region.
Hilde S. Bersvendsen assistant manager - Berlevåg municipality: Green hydrogen production in the Arctic region
Rolf Laupstad, Mayor of Berlevåg, and Kjell Richardsen, Project leader - H2Carrier,Connecting Finnmark to Europe’s energy market
Ove Tideman Rylandsholm Head of Marine Operations - WÄRTSILÄ: The ZEEDS initiative.
Jane Jünger, Communication and Marketing Manager - Norwegian Hydrogen
Marielle Furnes Mannseth, Group Brand & Sustainability Officer, Øystein Tørlen, CTO - SINTEF: The Haeolus project in Berlevåg
Dr. Federico Zenith, Senior Research Scientist - Summary and discussion. Moderator: Marit Magelssen Vambheim
- Reception
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